Frank Faries, PhD, VCU Philosophy
Monday, February 26, 7:00
Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM),
819 Cathedral Place, VCU
The age of AI is upon us. AI has infiltrated many aspects of our day-to-day lives whether we know it or not. A key question that emerges in discussions of AI is: “Is AI a true type of ‘intelligence’ and how are AI driven decisions different from those driven by the human mind?” In this talk I will address this question and show that, even if AI are still far from being counted as human intelligence, there are still important ways that AI-driven decisions are distinctly human. Drawing on work from the history of computing, and philosophical figures from the “embodied cognition” tradition, I will show how we must take the integration of AI into our lives, and its revolutionary consequences, very seriously. Even if AI is not human-level intelligence, it stands poised to radically change who we are as humans.