Scholé House has long been a member of the Consortium of Christian Study Centers, which was founded by Drew Trotter and now is directed by Karl Johnson. Previously, Drew ran the Christian Study Center for 23 years in Charlottesville and Karl had founded and directed Chesterton House at Cornell for twenty years. Both these guys, as well as others with them, have thought long and well about what a study center is.
The Consortium’s website defines a study center as “a hub of Christian community & learning.”
Christian Study Centers are communities of students and scholars animated by the ancient ideal of faith seeking understanding. Located adjacent to colleges and universities, study centers support and complement their host institutions’ mission to discover and disseminate knowledge by convening conversations that address the big questions of life — questions of meaning, purpose and value. In addition to public lectures, many study centers offer intimate conversations and comfortable hospitality in their own facilities.
Scholé House is firmly committed to the essential values of both traditional and intellectual hospitality. We are committed to the concept of serving the academic community. In this season of building and rebuilding, we are also very aware of our limitations due to the lack of a permanent location on VCU’s campus. In the past, we have relied on the generosity of others, held lectures in campus rooms, and met in faculty offices. We know we are limited in providing the essence of our vision due to the lack of a home.
We believe that securing a permanent home will be essential to serving VCU.